You are loved.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

What would happen if I told you, "You are loved."  Would you believe me?  Would you laugh at me?  Would you try to redirect my acceptance of your flaws, transgressions, and failures?  Would you turn away and seek lesser love?

Then why is it, that we treat God's love for us with the same disregard?

In a moment of vulnerability that thought hit me HARD today as I doubted my worthiness to receive such love.  Not the devotive love that our parents or dearest friends show us, but a much deeper love.  I shriveled at the idea that someone would choose to love me.  Could they still love me if they knew that I have failed?  That I don't always wear makeup?  That I'm more often Martha than Mary?

But . . . then a small voice spoke, "You are loved."  Really, me?  How, why?

"Whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love. And God showed his love for us by sending his only Son into the world, so that we might have life through him. This is what love is: it is not that we have loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the means by which our sins are forgiven. (1 John 4:8-10)

Wow.  There is so much hope that comes from knowing the love the Lord has for us.  To understand that my worth is not found in me, but Him?  Whether or not I understand the capacity, I am loved.  On days when I wear makeup and on days when I don't.  I am loved, not for something that I did...but because something that was done for me.  Nothing I do could change His mind.  I didn't have to earn it.  It won't be taken away if I falter.  Every moment of every day, I am loved.  And there is good news for you, too.

You are loved.  Notice that period that ends that stands in the way of continuation.  There is nothing further that God needs to add to that statement.  There is no need to use a colon to list parameters of our worthiness.  There is no question mark that requires a defensive answer--to put our past up for consideration that could change His mind.  God means that statement--that as you are, sins considered, "You are loved."

I pray that wherever you are today, that you are reminded of God's love for you.  I pray that you can fully experience the grace extended to us.  May the love that is shown to you, be shown through you.  As you walk through low valleys and mountain tops, that you never doubt your worthiness.  Praise be! 
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